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ARTHROPODA, Arthropods (phylum) 

CRUSTACEA, Crustaceans

, Branchiopods (subclass).


CLADOCERA, Water fleas, Latreille, 1829.  (order)
figures of Cladocera: Click here]

Bivalved shell (Carapace) covers the body but leaves
the head free. Second antenna with dorsal branch
(exipodite) and ventral branch (endopodite). Six
pairs of legs of similar structure.
Legs leaf-like.
Size 200-1500 μm. Filtrators, with filter setae on
the legs. Food: Algae, bacteria and detritus.


Key to the families of Philippine water fleas.

      (Key to genera and species à 83)  


78 a.  Head without a protective head shield. Second antenna
(swimming antennae)
with dorsal branch (exipodite)
2-segmented and ventral branch (endopodite) 3-segmented

and totally with more than ten swimming setae.

Six pairs of legs of similar structure


Diaphanosoma sp.


78 b.  Head with a protective head shield. Second antenna with
dorsal branch 3-segmented and ventral branch 3- or
and totally with less than ten swimming
Five or six pairs of legs of different


79 a. First antenna fused with the rostrum, forming a snout like formation.............................................BOSMINIDAE

Bosmina sp.

79 b. First antenna not fused with rostrum...........................80


80 a. One branch of antenna 3-segmented, the other 4-segmented.......81


80 b. Both branches of antennae 3-segmented..................CHYDORIDAE


Chydorus sp.

81 a. First antenna short, immobile..........................DAPHNIIDAE

Ceriodaphnia sp.

81 b
. First antenna long, mobile.....................................81c+d


81 c. First antenna situated on ventral side of the head.......MOINIDAE

Moina sp.

81 d. First antenna situated on anterior margin of head.
Not planktonic...........................................MACROTRICIDAE


Macrothrix sp.

To 82a