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110 a. Last segment of fifth leg of female with 3 appen­dages.
Caudal branches often with bristles.



110 b. Last segment of fifth leg of female with 1 or 2 appendages.
Sides of caudal branch without groups of bristles.


111 a. Fifth leg form a very short and wide plate with­out
articulation with the fifth (posterior) tho­racic segment.
First antenna with 9-10 segments. Caudal branches short
and thick with several transverse rows of small spines.
More or less littoral.

111 b. Fifth leg articulated with the fifth thoracic
               segment, angular in outline. First antenna
       with 6-12 segments


111 c. Fifth leg two-segmented


112 a. Anterior part of body clearly flattened dorso­ventrally.
First antenna very short with 8 segments (6-11 worldwide),
reaching only to the middle of the cephalothorax.
Caudal branch long and thin, 5-6 times as long as wide,
dor­sally with transverse row of small spines. Littoral.

112 b. Anterior part of the body usually thick, 
only slightly flattened. 
First antenna with 12 segments


113 a. Outer margin of caudal branches with small distinct
saw-like spines. Caudal branches usually very divergent
and 4-5 times as long as wide. Lateral spine near the end
of the caudal branch. Littoral.


113 b. Outer margin of caudal branches without such spines,
and only diverging slightly, 2 1/2 times as long as wide. 



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